How A Foot Doctor Can Help Your Teen With Athlete's Foot

If you have a teen who is active in sports or spends a lot of time at the city pool, they could be at a higher risk of a fungal infection on their feet. Athlete's foot spreads in a damp environment like a locker room or pool deck, and it thrives in sweaty shoes and socks. You can treat mild fungal infections at home, but if your teen's infection doesn't clear up or causes a lot of pain or discomfort, consider seeing a foot doctor for treatment. [Read More]

Thin, Brittle Toenails? What May Be Causing This And What You Can Do About It

If your toenails are thinning or breaking apart easily, there could be a few things to blame. Brittle nails can make clipping your nails a pain, and thin nails may easily break if you stub your toe on something, which may also lead to injury to your toes. If your toenails are brittle, peeling, or thinning, you need to do something about it. Read on for what may be the problem and what you can do about it. [Read More]

3 Tips To Reduce Pain From Toe Deformities

With several types of toe deformities and different underlying causes, there is no simple method of reducing pain. Using several tactics to reduce pain can make it easier to perform daily tasks. Use Padding There are many types of padding that can be purchased at stores to help with different types of deformities. If you have bunions, where there is overgrowth of bone along the side of your big toe and the toe begins to point toward the second toe, pads made specifically for bunions might help. [Read More]

Watch For These Signs That Indicate You Need New Orthotics

Getting shoe orthotics made after having your feet assessed by your local podiatrist can greatly improve your quality of life, especially if each step you were previously taking was causing you pain. Your orthotics should last you for years, although runners and people who are active can often wear through these inserts more quickly than those who have a sedentary lifestyle. When your orthotics approach the end of their useful life, it's important to schedule an appointment at the local podiatry clinic to have your feet measured for new orthotics, as continuing to wear orthotics after they're worn out could cause you pain. [Read More]