3 Ways To Avoid Getting A Bunion

Large bunions can be unsightly. However, these swollen, inflamed bumps at the bottom of the big toe joint can also be extremely painful. 

Bunions are usually associated with poor choices of footwear. As a bunion becomes more painful and distorts the toe joint further, it may require surgery. Still, preventing the development of a bunion can eliminate the need for invasive corrective actions. Here are a few ways to avoid getting a bunion.

Avoid High Heels

High heel shoes are quite fashionable. However, they can force the body into an unnatural position. Much of the body weight is thrust forward as a person walks in high heels. This forward thrust causes a great amount of pressure on the feet and toes. This pressure can result in inflammation that eventually develops into a bunion.

Don't Wear Footwear That is Too Narrow

Unless your feet are extremely narrow, you should avoid wearing shoes that are designed for a narrow foot. The sides of a narrow shoe can place uncomfortable pressure on the sides of a foot of normal width. This pressure on the sides of the foot is also applied to the big toe joint. 

When you decide to purchase a new pair of shoes, be sure to try them on and walk about for a few moments. If you feel a large amount of pressure on the sides of your feet, choose another pair of shoes. Don't sacrifice comfort to wear an attractive the shoe.Try to find a shoe that is both comfortable and pleasing to look at.

In addition, be sure to try on the shoes in the evening. This will give your feet a chance to swell throughout the day, and it will give you an idea of how your feet will feel around that time of day while wearing those shoes in the future. Your feet are generally at their smallest in the morning before pressure and heat cause them to swell.

Go Barefoot

As soon as you get home, remove your shoes. Allowing your feet to remain unrestricted for a portion of the day can permit your feet to rest and encourage the muscles of your feet to develop. Walking around without shoes causes your feet to have to rely on tendons, ligaments and muscles instead of the support provided by a shoe. This lack of support results in stronger muscles and other supporting tissues. Thus, the likelihood of a bunion is decreased. 

If you are having problems with your feet or believe that you are developing a bunion, contact a podiatrist  (such as Robert A. Raley, DPM) in your area as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. 
